Are you stuck on a hamster wheel with your symptoms?

Would you rather listen to Lindsay tell her story?

You’ll find her video testimonial below!

Lindsay was suffering from: Eating disorder, substance abuse, anxiety and depression, trauma, chronic fatigue, food allergies, cystic acne, hormone problems, adrenal fatigue, caffeine and energy drink addiction, chronic joint pain, swelling and inflammation, and extreme loneliness

Below Lindsay tells about her experience.

I had an initial appointment with Michal LeBaron about 7 years prior to committing to the Complete Health Program. In the beginning, I had no idea what the program was about.  I had no idea what commitment was and what it meant. At this point in my life, the pain of change was less than the pain that I was going through daily and that is when I decided “I’m ready for the change.”

My journey was rough and not having answers was exhausting. I felt like a hamster on a wheel and working through these symptoms was a struggle. I was living in misery and misery loves (or needs) company and I needed help to get out of that space.

I trusted Michal and I trusted the process. I would not be here in my new house, in a safe environment, happy, healthy, strong, and excited to be alive if I didn’t trust you!

I now use pure energy. I don’t need supplements or energy drinks. I eat good food. I’m so proud of the progress I am making. I’m so proud of myself for dedicating and doing it. And that right there is a huge step.

I feel I’m living Truly Authentically.

The process was beautiful and for the first time in a long time, I feel I am living my truth. I’m confident. I’m outgoing. I strike up conversations with others. I honor myself and it is freeing.

Before the Complete Health Program, I would avoid myself. And now I know how to listen to myself and it’s very empowering.

Things started to change; not around me, but within me.

Life will happen, but it’s how you perceive it, take it in, and react that really makes the difference for yourself.

I have a completely different outlook on everything.

The more you strengthen that muscle of looking in and seeing which avenue your feeling goes down the more you can target and handle it in a healthy way. Then the symptoms just melt away.

What I want people to know is if you want to get better and live a truly healthy life, you can!

All you need to do is make the change and dedicate yourself. The program guides you every step of the way. Your life will change in just a couple of months down the road, so don’t give up on yourself. Your best version of yourself is within reach if you just trust and dedicate. There is a massive support group even after you graduate from the program, so you’re not alone!

I didn’t want to commit and dedicate myself, but I’m so glad I did!

Before the Complete Health Program, everything was a chore and now myself and everything around me looks and feels different.

Thank you so much for everything and for always being there! Thank you and from the bottom of my heart I am so grateful for you and your program.

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Let's permanently eliminate your symptoms, resolve your past trauma, and accomplish your goals... together.

are you ready to finally become fully healthy?